Mrs. Beatty's Origami Dream

Dr. and Mrs. Beatty and my parents met when my dad was stationed in the Med and our families lived in Beaulieu, France at the time I was born. Dr. Beatty was a civilian scientist working with the Navy. He and Dad designed what was then a revolutionary naval strategy called Haystack. It had to do with the configuring Navy ship formations in such a way that that they'd be difficult for an enemy to find them.

The Beattys and the Dentons returned to the United States after that assignment. The Beattys lived in Alexandria and we, after a few stops along the way, in Virginia. They remained close friends throughout their lives. 

Mrs. Beatty and I occasionally exchanged letters and this is the end of a last one she wrote me.


Dr. and Mrs. Beatty and me in our living room in 1970, or so, when I was thirteen. I remember wearing that white leather dress to a Christmas party for POW children, so this was probably taken during the holidays. Dr. Beatty's pipe is resting on the table next to him.

Friends forever - Doris Beatty and Mom in a Washington restaurant.


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