I like to think that Mom would like my blog
Last November 22, when we lost Mom, I was afraid that we'd disintegrate into what, if not for her, would've been our natural state of lowlife existance, and either drift apart or, worse, deliberately distance ourselves from each other. The reason I came up with that fear has more to do with my tendency to fast forward to the worst case scenario, especially when considering something important to me, as our family is, than to thinking that we'd have reason to jump ship. I'm grateful that, a year later, we're all still speaking to each other, sometimes loudly or in a hissing voice but still speaking. And, as the song says... I love you more to-day than yes-ter-day, neh,neh, neh-nuh, but not as much as to-mor-or-oh-ho. Mom would be happy. Small consolation for we (us?) who miss her so but it's something.
It's late and I have to go to bed, but I wanted to at least say that I so appreciate all of your hard work and that I echo your thoughts on being back in Mobile and with family. Love you M, and love to all the family! Mary