They made me a Mom
David and Micah woke me up with cards and gifts on this Mother's Day some years back. It's nice to be adored! This year, they came home for the weekend and we're having the best weekend we've had in years. They both took their last exam this week, David helped her move out of her dorm (Told me I'd be horrified at how dirty it was. Perhaps, but not surprised.), and they came home last evening. Micah got here first so she and I went shopping to try to find a dress for The Wedding. After David and Emma (his dog) came home, we went to our favorite Mexican food place, Los Cucos, and had such a great time. The waiters are always happy to see David when he comes home from school. And, they always make a fuss over Terry. Makes one feel a part of the community. I think they come to the table to hear Terry speak Spanish. There's always a lot of raucus laughing in the kitchen afterwards. David and Micah have each been home a few weekends this semester but not at the same time. Seeing them laugh and talk to each other made me so happy. Terry and I just sat there and smiled, listened and watched. It was a very harmonious and joyful evening. We ended it by watching a little SNL. At least, Terry and I ended after SNL. I heard David and Micah going to bed at about 3:30 this morning. The real reason my Mother's Day weekend is going so well is that we aren't celebrating Mother's Day. No mention of it allowed. These blog entries will be my only reference to it. I was going to either make a big production of it on the blog, with pictures of my mom, with every one of her children, and of all the moms in the family, with each of their children or not mention it at all. This is a compromise. Without the two hour crying jag I indulged in Friday night and the five page list of reasons I'm upset that I wrote on Friday night, this could be a really miserable day :) Best just to skip the whole thing.