Busy every minute

 Jake, Jack, Katie - I have to point out here that Katie and my nephew, Jake, grew up down the street from each other in Bay Colony, rode the bus together and married 34 years later.  Their wedding was one of the most special I've ever attended.
 Allie, Michael, Ryan

Katherine (I'd like to post the picture of Kath dancing with David but it's scandalous.)
Jerry and Elizabeth

Terry and Don

 David and Don

Jack and Mary
Allie and Terry

 Ben and Mona
David and part of my foot

Emily Jane, David, Katie
Katie, Jim, David

Caroline and Katie


Mike Denton said…
As weddings go we couldn't enjoy gathered family near as much as we'd hoped. Can't wait for next celebration of whatever kind where we can be more in the game early often and late. Thanks to all family who made it so special, even if only by the effort or desire to attend but couldn't. Love you all.
You were in the game early, often, and late, but were spread thin. That's okay, we knew that and admired you from afar.

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