Louis XVI

From what I've read, Louis XVI was a kind man, an indecisive man, a man temperamentally ill-suited to be a monarch. Many see him as weak but, to me, he showed admirable strength in staying true to his beliefs. He certainly wasn't the tyrant the common people of his time believed him to be. They could've benefitted from some unbiased reporting (Where's CNN when you need 'em?) rather than the poison pen of Marat and the libelists. The main oddity in his story is the fact that he refused to consummate his marriage to Marie Antoinette for seven years. Peculiar. I could set forth some theories but y'all can come up with your own. He does look handsome in red, though, doesn't he?
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Anonymous said…
Louis XVI had a physical problem preventing him from engaging in sex with his bride. He underwent an operation and would father 4 children. He was a good father. Did you watch La Revolution Francaise? The scene where his daughter cries her heart out after his beheading is powerful.
Yes, I'm aware of the physical problem and the subsequent children... Don't you think there was a little more to his reluctance, though... maybe a lack of confidence and / or other emotional issues? It would certainly be understandable. And, I agree wholeheartedly - he was a wonderful father. In fact, he was a good husband and, I believe, a brave and moral man. Thanks very much for your comment. I love to hear from people interested in the topic.

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