
I think this was taken by a newspaper photographer which is why we look unusually civilized. I'm pretty sure this is the first time and last time Jerry daintily sipped from a teacup. I love this picture because it preserves the memory of the kitchen in our Watergate house. And, the sunlight is shining on our little Mary. A more typical scene is reflected in the cassette tape that Jerry surreptiously slipped into the centerpiece that recorded the bickering din and clanking silverware of mealtime. I bet Mom kept that tape and hope it surfaces some day. (In a side note: when I was viewing this picture on the blog, I was stunned at how much Jerry looks like Jimmy. Do y'all see that?)
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Anonymous said…
I love this picture and Jerry does look like Jimmy - in fact if you hadn't said it was Jerry I would have assumed it was Jimmy. BTW - mom's kitchen had (still has) the same tiles on the wall behind the stove. I have such fond memories of many good times around that table. Happy Birthday to Mary.
You're right, Kim, it is Jimmy!

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