March 14 is MICHAEL'S Birthday!!!!

My beloved Michael! How can I express what he means to me? Michael is selfless, honorable, sensitive, kind, handsome, funny, outgoing, friendly, generous, smart, loyal, articulate, a snappy dresser (Katherine's doing, no doubt), strong, considerate, competent, resourceful. From my very earliest memory, he's been my biggest supporter. He seems to just scan the horizon for ways to make me happy and do things for me before I even know I want them. Absolutely always there for me. And, for everyone else, for that matter. When we were seven and five respectfully, and living in Newport for a year, we shared a big bedroom in a most amazing old home. We'd get up in the morning and I, being the taker that I am, would ask Michael if he'd do anything I wanted all day long. Without even hesitating, he would say yes and then do so. I'm pretty sure this was a regular routine with us, a sign of things to come. Michael is my go-to guy and, in the 49 years we've been brother and sister, he's never said no. In September of 2001, when most of the country was concerned about terrorist attacks, I was, true to form, terrified, imagining all manner of disasters that would be directed at The Woodlands, Tx.. It seems unlikely now but, we are near Houston and there are oil refineries here, so it wasn't totally out of the realm of possibility! Just in case, I was one of the idiots in the Walmart line spending hundreds of dollars on the Homeland Security survival supplies. I even bought a butane stove, in case my family had to flee to the woods, and whistles, in case we got separated in said woods. Anyway, I told Michael that I'd given my children his phone # to keep in their wallets to use in case of emergency, and he said, "When I get the call, I'll be halfway there." That's just how he is. And we have the same sense of humor. He loves The Office almost as much as I do. The only person that makes me laugh harder and more often than Michael does, is his wife, Katherine. The two of them together make me laugh until I can't breathe and my face hurts. All my friends want to marry him, all of his wife's friends want to marry him. Hell, I've been tempted more than once! The guy is perfect! Happy Birthday to my favorite little brother :) Thank you for everything. I hope you have a wonderful day. You've certainly got it coming to you.
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grandydenton said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MICHAEL !!!!! It is so good to tell you happy birthday, thanks to Madeleine's blog..It has been a long time since I have seen you or any of your brothers and sisters, except maybe for a marriage or a funeral or two..My memory is fading, but I remember the time you visited Providence Street in Mobile when your dad was a POW...I felt so sad for you having your dad in danger so far away...It was like we were all prisoners of war worrying about your dad and family...But God blessed him and us all when he finally came home...It is great seeing your picture playing the guitar all grown up...Time certainly flies..It was nice to read all the good things Madeleine wrote about you in her blog...Thanks to her blog, maybe we will all keep in touch better...
Love to you and your family, Uncle Leo

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