Petit Trianon: Private Quarters

1.)  Books from Marie Antoinette's private collection - a small portion… Where are the others?  Stolen, sold, forgotten and tucked away in an attic, unrecognized at Les Puces? It drives me a little bit crazy to wonder where the missing Stuff ended up?
2.) Princesse de Lamballe's bedchamber door - How else is it possible to make a curved door unless you carve it from a block of wood?
3.) Madame Elizabeth, Louis XVI's sister, needlepointed the cover on this chair.
4.)  Hallway in the private quarters of the Petit Trianon
5.)  Loved the window, which was on an interior wall of one of the rooms that was used as a hotel room and opened onto a hallway.  The wallpaper isn't original.


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