Translation, please.

Words that appear to be "amor," on the third line; "contracte des engagement," on lines five/six; "Mon intention" on the seventh are familar, as well as the sprinklings of vous, de, que, c'est, un throughout. My favorite is the first word, "Citoyen," which is "Citizen," the salution with which the French had to address each other during the Revolution and slightly beyond. It is signed "femme," indicating it was written by a female. That's about all I can figure out. Anyone else want to give it a shot?
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Micah said…
Good to see an update! Also, if anyone is reading this, don't by Dell. They suck.
That well-deserved jab at Dell lost a bit of its punch when you spelled "buy" wrong, cutie! An 800? Seriously? Your careless attitude towards spelling is so endearing! I'm VERY excited to see that you posted something, though, so please come back!

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