Great start to my summer

Pictured: Michael, Fontaine (reflected in mirror,) and Buck.
Michael and I have been trying to put together a trip to Mobile for many months. We wanted to visit the town in which our parents had grown up and, later, spent their retirement years, so we could talk family history with relatives, take some pictures, revisit the past. We were on the verge of finally getting it together and I texted my cousin, Fontaine, and told her we'd arrive on a certain date. The plan developed a kink and we put the trip on hold but, because I'm old and forgetful, I completely forgot I'd texted Fontaine and, so, didn't tell her we weren't going to arrive on said date. In early June, the day after my summer break began, said date arrived and I got an urgent call from Michael, telling me that our Great-Aunt Annette and Great-Uncle Buck had driven down from South Carolina to meet us in Mobile. They were with other relatives, waiting for us to arrive at the airport. After the initial shock wore off, Michael jumped on a plane in Virginia to fly to Alabama. I jumped in my car in Texas and to make the familiar drive down I10. I was secretly thrilled that my bad memory put us in this awkward position because, if not, we may not have made the trip for years. Because we couldn't make it to Mobile at a decent hour, we decided to meet in New Orleans
and spend the night. New Orleans with Michael? What could be better? We stayed out on Bourbon Street until after 3:00 in the morning. I adore my little brother! He is so much fun!Posted by Picasa


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